I was just now inspired to write this for my genealogy groups (genealogy is my passion and my business), but this applies to all families around the world – not just those interested in genealogy.

You may not realize that what I am going to say below is a fact, but science backs me up. I won't cite all my sources, but if you disagree with anything, I ask you to do research. You can contact me or respond to this message and I may find a link to back up what I say. And if I give an opinion, I will state it as such.

As I compose this, I am struggling to decide where to start because this is an old story and a huge story that encompasses so many things and aspects of our lives as humans on Earth. In order to keep it short, because nobody is patient enough to read a book, I will skip many details and leave it to the reader to fill in blanks.

Authority figures are lying to us all, for the most part. It seems as money has fully corrupted virtually everyone now. What is worst of all is that we are facing a global depopulation event that is simply staggering. What most thinking people know is that what "authorities" call the Covid-19 vaccine is the tool by which millions upon millions of people will soon be murdered. So the big lie is that it's a "vaccine" at all. It has nothing to do with health and while the media is desperately hiding the news about all the deaths within a day or two, sometimes a week or two, there are so many deaths that they simply can't hide them all.

Worst of all is that it seems to be affecting just about every family in every country. And I never heard anyone talk about this before, so maybe I'm the first to bring it up, but families better have serious conversations. Entire families will be dead within the next 6 months to a year, in my opinion (and the opinion of leading scientists). Exactly how what I call the "suicide vax" will kill people is beyond the scope of this article. Just remember how Gates, a eugenicist, had his TED talk some years ago where he talked about vaccines enabling a reduction of the Earth's population.

I believe that all who have been completely fooled by "authorities" to take this suicide vax will be dead and the only people to survive them will be those smart enough not to take this "Experimental" vaccine. I think they know precisely what the effects will be because they did the same exact thing to ferrets who all died during testing. But officially it is still called "experimental" and the experiment is on the humans on our planet.

So what will happen to the property of all the people who will be dead soon? They are, in my opinion, "dead men walking." As harsh as this might be, that is the brutal truth that everyone must face now. It's getting very real and this is where real men better grow a pair or they too will be dead by our wonderful government tyrants and fascist rules being implemented worldwide. They better stand up and take a stand or it's over.

I suggest to all who got this shit injected need to make a will, ASAP, and make the executor someone who didn't get the poison vax. Assuming all who got it will be dead, you can't have the executor handle your affairs who themselves be dead or dying and too weak to do this task. You may make several people the executors – consult with people who do this for a living – make living wills. Do it immediately.

Assuming the worst, what will become of young children who survive both parents? I realize the same evil psychopaths who have duped people by their fear campaign to get this poison are soon coming after the kids. If these same fools who got the vax also get their children vaxed, we might see cases of the children lasting longer – maybe years more – and this must be factored into the wills.

But what if some children are luckily not vaxed? Who will care for them? Other family members may have to take them in. Will there be anyone closely related, such as a grandparent, uncles or aunts, to do this? Or will they face the horrors of foster care and the child trafficking cartels like CPS (Child Protective Services – a complete misnomer if ever there was one)?

Yet another factor is the shortage of labor. Imagine a farm where the entire family, or even just half of them, are dead in 6 months. How can a farm family grow and harvest crops to feed the world? I think there will be catastrophic food shortages, supply line stoppages and the world is going to hell fast – even for the people still alive. Better prepare best you can to be self-sufficient and as much off the grid as you can. Become a prepper in every way.

The wealth transfer from the soon-dead people to their relatives will be shocking. Don't let the state grab any more than they are already doing to take your life. Make sure you have a will and make better decisions in your next life.

Now let's consider a true measure of this poison shit on people. All who got vaxed better get the most expensive life insurance possible. How will insurance policies look once more and more are dropping dead like flies? How expensive will it be to get any life insurance? They are not stupid with their money. They could say that if you got this crap "sorry we can't insure you." I would not be surprised if this will soon be the case. The media and governments can lie to the public, but when death is mounting, these insurance companies will not want to pay for this.

By my estimate and how duped people are with regards wearing a mask, we could see 60-70% of the whole population on Earth slaughtered like this. It will be like we feared in March 2020 when nobody knew who would be soon dead from this covid, before we realized it was a hoax. But the real death we now know is from the vax and not the fake covid. That was just the fear campaign that gets people reacting without thinking. And they successfully kept the fear at a high level for all who listen to the media.

The holes these people, your own close family members, will leave is hard to even imagine. The economy seems it must drastically shrink when so many are missing by 2022. Employers will struggle to fill positions in every possible type of business. It will potentially be a complete make-over of the citizens of the USA. As much as I would like to say "told you so" that is hard to do when your own family is involved. It's just damn sad.

And as a warning, very few are realizing that blood banks will probably run out of "pre-vax" blood donations. The blood of anyone who got this poison jab will be toxic and if anyone needs blood they might receive the toxic blood from a vaxed person. Of course, that will make them just as toxic as if they got the vax.

Now, for genealogy, this could affect all my years of efforts to collect DNA to figure out ancient origins. The reason is that I suspect the people who get the vax will have their DNA altered. I hope I am wrong, but scientists are saying this is "gene therapy" and I just don't know yet if the DNA results will show changes from before and after. One thing for sure is there will be far fewer test candidates left alive. Entire male and female line descendants will be gone in 2 years in so many cases.

Those familiar with the company YFull which has the tree of mankind for all who got top level DNA testing will struggle to further expand pretty soon. It may be the end of our ability to make these amazing discoveries the genome project has allowed, especially over the past 6 years, or so.

If you read this entire article, you probably also agree with my conclusions. Maybe you know people who will value my information and tips for estate planning and genealogy. Share it far and wide to every platform you want. If Mr. Global comes knocking, I'll do what I can to fight back against this incredible tyranny. Again, you men better grow a pair. This is not a drill. See my other posts for what else we can do to fight this.

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