Here's the synopses of my stories. They's on Amazon. I'm working on Part 3, which is future, which takes more ceativity/imagination:

Control of the Islandsynopsis: A few people to go an unmarked island in the Bermuda Triangle to doDNA research. The original reason was to bring back ancient animals but thegovernment gets the research to move toward using mRNA to create supersoldiers. The clients for the super soldiers love to frolic in the casino thathas enslaved women who are later rescued.


For Control of Oz Part 1 synopsis: A guy, Ken, comes to meetsome people interested in studying 'conspiracies'. Along the way, he becameacquainted with women being trafficked. He ended up put in jail because he knewtoo much.


For Control of Oz part 2 synopsis: Ken got help to flee thepolice from Part 1 to go to Sedona, Arizona where he met another guyinterested in 'conspiracies'. Again, Ken learned of women trafficked and theytried to help free the women. During that time, the Scamdemic hit the worldwith everybody afraid of the Covid virus with the accompanying restrictions andit ended up that he and those who freed him from the jail in Part 1 felt a needto go to Mexicoto escape the insanity.

On Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 07:58:11 AM PDT:

We took skyla to see that movie. Hard to watch but important to help keep her safe.=

On Thu, Aug 3, 2023 at 7:29 AM wrote:

in my story series, they go after traffickers

On Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 07:23:58 AM PDT:

Too bad they didn't arrest pedo joe.

With the number 1 movie in the country (I heard) being The Sound of Freedom, people are finally realizing it's not fake. How long will it take for the broad public to realize the government is the main trafficking culprit?


I find articles every day. Here's two of them (to be ignored because they're TOO SCARY to deal with):

Shocking New Study: mRNA Covid Jabs Caused Silent Heart Damage to Tens of Millions of People

Shocking New Study: mRNA Covid Jabs Caused Silent Heart Damage to Tens o…

Originally published by The Daily Sceptic All links to previous Gospa News articles have been added aftermath fo…

Gates warns Australia next pandemic could be man-made and brutal

Gates warns Australia next pandemic could be man-made and brutal

Aidan Wondracz

Mr Gates told the Lowy Institute think tank in Sydney on Monday that political leaders needed to set aside their…

On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 10:18:48 PM PDT:

It's so baffling how people can't see any of the million red flags of trouble ahead.=

The mind control is so astonishingly excellent that it's pure evil genius.

I try to pick things that have a decent chance to make someone addicted to gaslight media take a step back and create a tiny crack in their bizarre reality. Maybe we've already had some success and they are too stubborn to admit it. Just can't tell and at this point they won't realize anything about this global scam until their dying day.

It's hard to tell if people are really ever going to wake up. At least we're trying our best to help them.

Sent: Friday, August 4, 2023 8:56 PM

Cc: – –

FBI arrests pedophiles= There are people who are competent to deal with life and those who aren't and know it. The incompetent need a "daddy" to "hold their hand".There are two "higher power" choices, government and God.Those who don't believe in God are left to trust their lives to the government and thus they can't= dare to believe that their "daddy" HATES THEM and wants to KILL THEM by creating perennial wars or disease.(The super rich consider themselves to be God and want to be treated as royalty and have IONS of servants/slaves/serfs to make it so the super rich don't have to work. Then there's the military that the super rich want around to protect themselves from the "lesser" humanity)What makes me kind of laugh is that so many puppets (the media and hollywood and …) think that there will be a place for them to live royally but there won't be a use for them much longer and they'll be expected to grovel like the other "lessers".

On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 07:53:09 PM PDT:

Yea, we need more conspiracy theories because all the previous ones have been proven to be true.

As they say about horses, can't make them drink. Too bad people are so deliberately blind and dumb.

Sent: Friday, August 4, 2023 5:26 PM

Cc: Valerie – –

FBI arrests pedophiles= yeah, gotta ignore all that "conspiracy" stuff, especially when joe's daughter is saying it:


On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 03:59:44 PM PDT:


I'm afraid all that conspiracy stuff is actually coming from my brothers. I just delete it without reading it.

On Aug 4, 2023, at 1:01 PM:

On Aug 4, 2023, at 11:38 AM:


Hi Valerie

I assume we are related somehow….nice to meet you.

Unfortunately, there are internet trolls, AI bots or some dark forces in the universe which have taken over conventional family email correspondence for a decade or more.= In other words, there's no way to get off this list EVER – believe me, I've tried.= I've setup email rules to delete all the emails automatically but the trolls are clever and setup new email accounts and find new ways to land in my inbox – sigh.

I just wanted to let you know that just because I'm on these threads, I'm not crazy and there are some nice people here that shouldn't be subjected this nonsense but here we are.

Best of luck,

" ?= ?= @–Analytics-Automation-.= . Solved=C2=AE

On August 3, 2023 at 8:09 AM PDT@ wrote:

OMG! PLEASE remove me from this distribution list!

Get Outlook for iOS

Sent: Thursday, August 3, 2023 7:57:58 AM


Cc: – –

FBI arrests pedophiles= We took skyla to see that movie. Hard to watch but important to help keep her safe.=

On Thu, Aug 3, 2023 at 7:29 AM wrote:

in my story series, they go after traffickers

On Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 07:23:58 AM PDT:

Too bad they didn't arrest pedo joe.

With the number 1 movie in the country (I heard) being The Sound of Freedom, people are finally realizing it's not fake. How long will it take for the broad public to realize the government is the main trafficking culprit?


was quick to respond with that other email. Yeah, no surprise. He's part of the "1%" (no jealousy and more power to him for getting there) and life is blissful and no reason to look at what is going on the 99%.So it seems, he's not to aware of or doesn't want to see these things in the 99% world:President is a pedophile, showered with his daughter, has dementia and got MILLIONS= of dollars from foreign governments with his son, Hunter, and had others in his family involved.VP who can't seem to speak intelligent English.Tens of thousands of homeless, some due to poor life choices but many because they were evicted because inflation has gotten so high or they= lost their jobs because the Scamdemic caused so many businesses to close.People still wearing masks because they're still in FEAR from a fake virus and so afraid= that they're still taking "boosters" that even Pfizer's documents say are HARMFUL. (see attached= document).Millions coming across the OPEN border (including proven terrorists) because those in charge destroyed the financial system of countries south of us.Then there's George Soros who has thrown MILLIONS of dollars into campaigns of people who seem to not believe in people getting consequences (and now LA country has decided that the police need not bother to jail people for "petty" crimes as theft, ASSAULT, and so many more).

Yeah, Ignorance is Bliss for the 1% so don't dare try to EDUCATE THEM!

On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 11:50:53 AM PDT, wrote:


Pretty bizarre/paranoid email.= "setup new email accounts and find new ways to land in my inbox"?Though "ignorance is bliss" for so many, we educated ones have hope that some of those ignorant just might decide that all the EVIDENCE that the country and world are going to hell might get them to pay attention. (sigh) On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 11:38:06 AM PDT, wrote:

Hi Valerie

I assume we are related somehow….nice to meet you.

Unfortunately, there are internet trolls, AI bots or some dark forces in the universe which have taken over conventional family email correspondence for a decade or more.= In other words, there's no way to get off this list EVER – believe me, I've tried.= I've setup email rules to delete all the emails automatically but the trolls are clever and setup new email accounts and find new ways to land in my inbox – sigh.

I just wanted to let you know that just because I'm on these threads, I'm not crazy and there are some nice people here that shouldn't be subjected this nonsense but here we are.

Best of luck,

" |= |= @–Analytics-Automation-.= . Solved=C2=AE

On August 3, 2023 at 8:09 AM PDT wrote:

OMG! PLEASE remove me from this distribution list! =

Get Outlook for iOS


Sent: Thursday, August 3, 2023 7:57:58 AM


Cc: – –

= We took skyla to see that movie. Hard to watch but important to help keep her safe.=

On Thu, Aug 3, 2023 at 7:29 AM wrote:

in my story series, they go after traffickers

On Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 07:23:58 AM PDT, wrote:

Too bad they didn't arrest pedo joe.

With the number 1 movie in the country (I heard) being The Sound of Freedom, people are finally realizing it's not fake. How long will it take for the broad public to realize the government is the main trafficking culprit?


was quick to respond with that other email. Yeah, no surprise. He's part of the "1%" (no jealousy and more power to him for getting there) and life is blissful and no reason to look at what is going on the 99%.So it seems, he's not to aware of or doesn't want to see these things in the 99% world:President is a pedophile, showered with his daughter, has dementia and got MILLIONS= of dollars from foreign governments with his son, Hunter, and had others in his family involved.VP who can't seem to speak intelligent English.Tens of thousands of homeless, some due to poor life choices but many because they were evicted because inflation has gotten so high or they= lost their jobs because the Scamdemic caused so many businesses to close.People still wearing masks because they're still in FEAR from a fake virus and so afraid= that they're still taking "boosters" that even Pfizer's documents say are HARMFUL. (see attached= document).Millions coming across the OPEN border (including proven terrorists) because those in charge destroyed the financial system of countries south of us.Then there's George Soros who has thrown MILLIONS of dollars into campaigns of people who seem to not believe in people getting consequences (and now LA country has decided that the police need not bother to jail people for "petty" crimes as theft, ASSAULT, and so many more).

Yeah, Ignorance is Bliss for the 1% so don't dare try to EDUCATE THEM!

On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 11:50:53 AM PDT, wrote:


Pretty bizarre/paranoid email.= "setup new email accounts and find new ways to land in my inbox"?Though "ignorance is bliss" for so many, we educated ones have hope that some of those ignorant just might decide that all the EVIDENCE that the country and world are going to hell might get them to pay attention. (sigh) On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 11:38:06 AM PDT, wrote:

Hi Valerie

I assume we are related somehow….nice to meet you.

Unfortunately, there are internet trolls, AI bots or some dark forces in the universe which have taken over conventional family email correspondence for a decade or more.= In other words, there's no way to get off this list EVER – believe me, I've tried.= I've setup email rules to delete all the emails automatically but the trolls are clever and setup new email accounts and find new ways to land in my inbox – sigh.

I just wanted to let you know that just because I'm on these threads, I'm not crazy and there are some nice people here that shouldn't be subjected this nonsense but here we are.

Best of luck,

" |= |= @–Analytics-Automation-.= . Solved=C2=AE

On August 3, 2023 at 8:09 AM wrote:

OMG! PLEASE remove me from this distribution list! =

Get Outlook for iOS


Sent: Thursday, August 3, 2023 7:57:58 AM


Cc: – –

= We took skyla to see that movie. Hard to watch but important to help keep her safe.=

On Thu, Aug 3, 2023 at 7:29 AM wrote:

in my story series, they go after traffickers

On Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 07:23:58 AM PDT, wrote:

Too bad they didn't arrest pedo joe.

With the number 1 movie in the country (I heard) being The Sound of Freedom, people are finally realizing it's not fake. How long will it take for the broad public to realize the government is the main trafficking culprit?


was quick to respond with that other email. Yeah, no surprise. He's part of the "1%" (no jealousy and more power to him for getting there) and life is blissful and no reason to look at what is going on the 99%.So it seems, he's not to aware of or doesn't want to see these things in the 99% world:President is a pedophile, showered with his daughter, has dementia and got MILLIONS= of dollars from foreign governments with his son, Hunter, and had others in his family involved.VP who can't seem to speak intelligent English.Tens of thousands of homeless, some due to poor life choices but many because they were evicted because inflation has gotten so high or they= lost their jobs because the Scamdemic caused so many businesses to close.People still wearing masks because they're still in FEAR from a fake virus and so afraid= that they're still taking "boosters" that even Pfizer's documents say are HARMFUL. (see attached= document).Millions coming across the OPEN border (including proven terrorists) because those in charge destroyed the financial system of countries south of us.Then there's George Soros who has thrown MILLIONS of dollars into campaigns of people who seem to not believe in people getting consequences (and now LA country has decided that the police need not bother to jail people for "petty" crimes as theft, ASSAULT, and so many more).

Yeah, Ignorance is Bliss for the 1% so don't dare try to EDUCATE THEM!

On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 11:50:53 AM PDT, wrote:


Pretty bizarre/paranoid email.= "setup new email accounts and find new ways to land in my inbox"?Though "ignorance is bliss" for so many, we educated ones have hope that some of those ignorant just might decide that all the EVIDENCE that the country and world are going to hell might get them to pay attention. (sigh) On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 11:38:06 AM PDT, wrote:

Hi Valerie

I assume we are related somehow….nice to meet you.

Unfortunately, there are internet trolls, AI bots or some dark forces in the universe which have taken over conventional family email correspondence for a decade or more.= In other words, there's no way to get off this list EVER – believe me, I've tried.= I've setup email rules to delete all the emails automatically but the trolls are clever and setup new email accounts and find new ways to land in my inbox – sigh.

I just wanted to let you know that just because I'm on these threads, I'm not crazy and there are some nice people here that shouldn't be subjected this nonsense but here we are.

Best of luck,

" |= |= @–Analytics-Automation-.= . Solved=C2=AE

On August 3, 2023 at 8:09 AM wrote:

OMG! PLEASE remove me from this distribution list! =

Get Outlook for iOS


Sent: Thursday, August 3, 2023 7:57:58 AM


Cc: – –

= We took skyla to see that movie. Hard to watch but important to help keep her safe.=

On Thu, Aug 3, 2023 at 7:29 AM wrote:

in my story series, they go after traffickers

On Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 07:23:58 AM PDT, wrote:

Too bad they didn't arrest pedo joe.

With the number 1 movie in the country (I heard) being The Sound of Freedom, people are finally realizing it's not fake. How long will it take for the broad public to realize the government is the main trafficking culprit?


is the FACT that they found a BIOLAB near Fresno a conspiracy theory?

On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 05:57:56 AM PDT, wrote:

It's likely a case that people don't want to know the true status of their health:

"The vaccinated people did not show obvious signs of heart damage. But when researchers ran blood tests three days after the jabs, they found high levels of troponin, a protein the heart releases when it is injured, in many recipients."


Sent: Friday, August 4, 2023 10:36 PM


Cc: – –

= I find articles every day. Here's two of them (to be ignored because they're TOO SCARY to deal with):

Shocking New Study: mRNA Covid Jabs Caused Silent Heart Damage to Tens of Millions of People









Shocking New Study: mRNA Covid Jabs Caused Silent Heart Damage to Tens o…

Originally published by The Daily Sceptic All links to previous Gospa News articles have been added aftermath fo…




Gates warns Australia next pandemic could be man-made and brutal









Gates warns Australia next pandemic could be man-made and brutal

Aidan Wondracz

Mr Gates told the Lowy Institute think tank in Sydney on Monday that political leaders needed to set aside their…




On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 10:18:48 PM PDT, wrote:

It's so baffling how people can't see any of the million red flags of trouble ahead.=

The mind control is so astonishingly excellent that it's pure evil genius.

I try to pick things that have a decent chance to make someone addicted to gaslight media take a step back and create a tiny crack in their bizarre reality. Maybe we've already had some success and they are too stubborn to admit it. Just can't tell and at this point they won't realize anything about this global scam until their dying day.

It's hard to tell if people are really ever going to wake up. At least we're trying our best to help them.


Sent: Friday, August 4, 2023 8:56 PM


Cc: – –

= There are people who are competent to deal with life and those who aren't and know it. The incompetent need a "daddy" to "hold their hand".There are two "higher power" choices, government and God.Those who don't believe in God are left to trust their lives to the government and thus they can't= dare to believe that their "daddy" HATES THEM and wants to KILL THEM by creating perennial wars or disease.(The super rich consider themselves to be God and want to be treated as royalty and have BILLIONS of servants/slaves/serfs to make it so the super rich don't have to work. Then there's the military that the super rich want around to protect themselves from the "lesser" humanity)What makes me kind of laugh is that so many puppets (the media and hollywood and …) think that there will be a place for them to live royally but there won't be a use for them much longer and they'll be expected to grovel like the other "lessers".

On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 07:53:09 PM PDT, wrote:

Yea, we need more conspiracy theories because all the previous ones have been proven to be true.

As they say about horses, can't make them drink. Too bad people are so deliberately blind and dumb.


Sent: Friday, August 4, 2023 5:26 PM


Cc: Valerie – –

= yeah, gotta ignore all that "conspiracy" stuff, especially when joe's daughter is saying it:


On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 03:59:44 PM PDT, wrote:


I'm afraid all that conspiracy is stuff is actually coming from my brothers. = I just delete it without reading it.

On Aug 4, 2023, at 1:01 PM, wrote:


=EF=BB=BFHi , = =

Are you saying that many of these emails in this group that communicate conspiracy beliefs on just about everything, are not coming from my cousins as the senders? = = That would be a welcome revelation =F0=9F=A7=90

On Aug 4, 2023, at 11:38 AM, wrote:


Hi Valerie

I assume we are related somehow….nice to meet you.

Unfortunately, there are internet trolls, AI bots or some dark forces in the universe which have taken over conventional family email correspondence for a decade or more.= In other words, there's no way to get off this list EVER – believe me, I've tried.= I've setup email rules to delete all the emails automatically but the trolls are clever and setup new email accounts and find new ways to land in my inbox – sigh.

I just wanted to let you know that just because I'm on these threads, I'm not crazy and there are some nice people here that shouldn't be subjected this nonsense but here we are.

Best of luck,

" |= |= @–Analytics-Automation-.= . Solved=C2=AE

On August 3, 2023 at 8:09 AM PDT wrote:

OMG! PLEASE remove me from this distribution list! =

Get Outlook for iOS


Sent: Thursday, August 3, 2023 7:57:58 AM


Cc: – –

= We took skyla to see that movie. Hard to watch but important to help keep her safe.=

On Thu, Aug 3, 2023 at 7:29 AM wrote:

in my story series, they go after traffickers

On Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 07:23:58 AM PDT, wrote:

Too bad they didn't arrest pedo joe.

With the number 1 movie in the country (I heard) being The Sound of Freedom, people are finally realizing it's not fake. How long will it take for the broad public to realize the government is the main trafficking culprit?


was quick to respond with that other email. Yeah, no surprise. He's part of the "1%" (no jealousy and more power to him for getting there) and life is blissful and no reason to look at what is going on the 99%.So it seems, he's not to aware of or doesn't want to see these things in the 99% world:President is a pedophile, showered with his daughter, has dementia and got MILLIONS= of dollars from foreign governments with his son, Hunter, and had others in his family involved.VP who can't seem to speak intelligent English.Tens of thousands of homeless, some due to poor life choices but many because they were evicted because inflation has gotten so high or they= lost their jobs because the Scamdemic caused so many businesses to close.People still wearing masks because they're still in FEAR from a fake virus and so afraid= that they're still taking "boosters" that even Pfizer's documents say are HARMFUL. (see attached= document).Millions coming across the OPEN border (including proven terrorists) because those in charge destroyed the financial system of countries south of us.Then there's George Soros who has thrown MILLIONS of dollars into campaigns of people who seem to not believe in people getting consequences (and now LA country has decided that the police need not bother to jail people for "petty" crimes as theft, ASSAULT, and so many more).
Yeah, Ignorance is Bliss for the 1% so don't dare try to EDUCATE THEM!

On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 11:50:53 AM PDT, wrote:

Pretty bizarre/paranoid email.= "setup new email accounts and find new ways to land in my inbox"?Though "ignorance is bliss" for so many, we educated ones have hope that some of those ignorant just might decide that all the EVIDENCE that the country and world are going to hell might get them to pay attention. (sigh) On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 11:38:06 AM PDT, wrote:

Hi Valerie
I assume we are related somehow….nice to meet you.
Unfortunately, there are internet trolls, AI bots or some dark forces in the universe which have taken over conventional family email correspondence for a decade or more.= In other words, there's no way to get off this list EVER – believe me, I've tried.= I've setup email rules to delete all the emails automatically but the trolls are clever and setup new email accounts and find new ways to land in my inbox – sigh.
I just wanted to let you know that just because I'm on these threads, I'm not crazy and there are some nice people here that shouldn't be subjected this nonsense but here we are.
Best of luck,
" |= |= @–Analytics-Automation-.= . Solved=C2=AE
On August 3, 2023 at 8:09 AM wrote:
OMG! PLEASE remove me from this distribution list! =
Get Outlook for iOS


Sent: Thursday, August 3, 2023 7:57:58 AM

Cc: – –

= We took skyla to see that movie. Hard to watch but important to help keep her safe.=
On Thu, Aug 3, 2023 at 7:29 AM wrote:
in my story series, they go after traffickers
On Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 07:23:58 AM PDT, wrote:
Too bad they didn't arrest pedo joe.
With the number 1 movie in the country (I heard) being The Sound of Freedom, people are finally realizing it's not fake. How long will it take for the broad public to realize the government is the main trafficking culprit?

is the FACT that they found a BIOLAB near Fresno a conspiracy theory?
On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 05:57:56 AM PDT, wrote:

It's likely a case that people don't want to know the true status of their health:
"The vaccinated people did not show obvious signs of heart damage. But when researchers ran blood tests three days after the jabs, they found high levels of troponin, a protein the heart releases when it is injured, in many recipients."

Sent: Friday, August 4, 2023 10:36 PM

Cc: – –

= I find articles every day. Here's two of them (to be ignored because they're TOO SCARY to deal with):
Shocking New Study: mRNA Covid Jabs Caused Silent Heart Damage to Tens of Millions of People

Shocking New Study: mRNA Covid Jabs Caused Silent Heart Damage to Tens o…
Originally published by The Daily Sceptic All links to previous Gospa News articles have been added aftermath fo…

Gates warns Australia next pandemic could be man-made and brutal

Gates warns Australia next pandemic could be man-made and brutal
Aidan Wondracz
Mr Gates told the Lowy Institute think tank in Sydney on Monday that political leaders needed to set aside their…

On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 10:18:48 PM PDT, wrote:
It's so baffling how people can't see any of the million red flags of trouble ahead.=
The mind control is so astonishingly excellent that it's pure evil genius.
I try to pick things that have a decent chance to make someone addicted to gaslight media take a step back and create a tiny crack in their bizarre reality. Maybe we've already had some success and they are too stubborn to admit it. Just can't tell and at this point they won't realize anything about this global scam until their dying day.
It's hard to tell if people are really ever going to wake up. At least we're trying our best to help them.

Sent: Friday, August 4, 2023 8:56 PM

Cc: – –

= There are people who are competent to deal with life and those who aren't and know it. The incompetent need a "daddy" to "hold their hand".There are two "higher power" choices, government and God.Those who don't believe in God are left to trust their lives to the government and thus they can't= dare to believe that their "daddy" HATES THEM and wants to KILL THEM by creating perennial wars or disease.(The super rich consider themselves to be God and want to be treated as royalty and have BILLIONS of servants/slaves/serfs to make it so the super rich don't have to work. Then there's the military that the super rich want around to protect themselves from the "lesser" humanity)What makes me kind of laugh is that so many puppets (the media and hollywood and …) think that there will be a place for them to live royally but there won't be a use for them much longer and they'll be expected to grovel like the other "lessers".
On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 07:53:09 PM PDT, wrote:
Yea, we need more conspiracy theories because all the previous ones have been proven to be true.
As they say about horses, can't make them drink. Too bad people are so deliberately blind and dumb.

Sent: Friday, August 4, 2023 5:26 PM

Cc: Valerie – –

= yeah, gotta ignore all that "conspiracy" stuff, especially when joe's daughter is saying it:

On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 03:59:44 PM PDT, wrote:
I'm afraid all that conspiracy is stuff is actually coming from my brothers. = I just delete it without reading it.

On Aug 4, 2023, at 1:01 PM, wrote:

=EF=BB=BFHi , = =
Are you saying that many of these emails in this group that communicate conspiracy beliefs on just about everything, are not coming from my cousins as the senders? = = That would be a welcome revelation =F0=9F=A7=90

On Aug 4, 2023, at 11:38 AM, wrote:

Hi Valerie
I assume we are related somehow….nice to meet you.
Unfortunately, there are internet trolls, AI bots or some dark forces in the universe which have taken over conventional family email correspondence for a decade or more.= In other words, there's no way to get off this list EVER – believe me, I've tried.= I've setup email rules to delete all the emails automatically but the trolls are clever and setup new email accounts and find new ways to land in my inbox – sigh.
I just wanted to let you know that just because I'm on these threads, I'm not crazy and there are some nice people here that shouldn't be subjected this nonsense but here we are.
Best of luck,
" |= |= @–Analytics-Automation-.= . Solved=C2=AE
On August 3, 2023 at 8:09 AM PDT wrote:
OMG! PLEASE remove me from this distribution list! =
Get Outlook for iOS


Sent: Thursday, August 3, 2023 7:57:58 AM

Cc: – –

= We took skyla to see that movie. Hard to watch but important to help keep her safe.=
On Thu, Aug 3, 2023 at 7:29 AM wrote:
in my story series, they go after traffickers
On Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 07:23:58 AM PDT, wrote:
Too bad they didn't arrest pedo joe.
With the number 1 movie in the country (I heard) being The Sound of Freedom, people are finally realizing it's not fake. How long will it take for the broad public to realize the government is the main trafficking culprit?

is the FACT that they found a BIOLAB near Fresno a conspiracy theory?
On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 05:57:56 AM PDT, wrote:

It's likely a case that people don't want to know the true status of their health:
"The vaccinated people did not show obvious signs of heart damage. But when researchers ran blood tests three days after the jabs, they found high levels of troponin, a protein the heart releases when it is injured, in many recipients."

Sent: Friday, August 4, 2023 10:36 PM

Cc: – –

= I find articles every day. Here's two of them (to be ignored because they're TOO SCARY to deal with):
Shocking New Study: mRNA Covid Jabs Caused Silent Heart Damage to Tens of Millions of People

Shocking New Study: mRNA Covid Jabs Caused Silent Heart Damage to Tens o…
Originally published by The Daily Sceptic All links to previous Gospa News articles have been added aftermath fo…

Gates warns Australia next pandemic could be man-made and brutal

Gates warns Australia next pandemic could be man-made and brutal
Aidan Wondracz
Mr Gates told the Lowy Institute think tank in Sydney on Monday that political leaders needed to set aside their…

On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 10:18:48 PM PDT, wrote:
It's so baffling how people can't see any of the million red flags of trouble ahead.=
The mind control is so astonishingly excellent that it's pure evil genius.
I try to pick things that have a decent chance to make someone addicted to gaslight media take a step back and create a tiny crack in their bizarre reality. Maybe we've already had some success and they are too stubborn to admit it. Just can't tell and at this point they won't realize anything about this global scam until their dying day.
It's hard to tell if people are really ever going to wake up. At least we're trying our best to help them.

Sent: Friday, August 4, 2023 8:56 PM

Cc: – –

= There are people who are competent to deal with life and those who aren't and know it. The incompetent need a "daddy" to "hold their hand".There are two "higher power" choices, government and God.Those who don't believe in God are left to trust their lives to the government and thus they can't= dare to believe that their "daddy" HATES THEM and wants to KILL THEM by creating perennial wars or disease.(The super rich consider themselves to be God and want to be treated as royalty and have BILLIONS of servants/slaves/serfs to make it so the super rich don't have to work. Then there's the military that the super rich want around to protect themselves from the "lesser" humanity)What makes me kind of laugh is that so many puppets (the media and hollywood and …) think that there will be a place for them to live royally but there won't be a use for them much longer and they'll be expected to grovel like the other "lessers".
On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 07:53:09 PM PDT, wrote:
Yea, we need more conspiracy theories because all the previous ones have been proven to be true.
As they say about horses, can't make them drink. Too bad people are so deliberately blind and dumb.

Sent: Friday, August 4, 2023 5:26 PM

Cc: Valerie – –

= yeah, gotta ignore all that "conspiracy" stuff, especially when joe's daughter is saying it:

On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 03:59:44 PM PDT, wrote:
I'm afraid all that conspiracy is stuff is actually coming from my brothers. = I just delete it without reading it.

On Aug 4, 2023, at 1:01 PM, wrote:

=EF=BB=BFHi , = =
Are you saying that many of these emails in this group that communicate conspiracy beliefs on just about everything, are not coming from my cousins as the senders? = = That would be a welcome revelation =F0=9F=A7=90

On Aug 4, 2023, at 11:38 AM, wrote:

Hi Valerie
I assume we are related somehow….nice to meet you.
Unfortunately, there are internet trolls, AI bots or some dark forces in the universe which have taken over conventional family email correspondence for a decade or more.= In other words, there's no way to get off this list EVER – believe me, I've tried.= I've setup email rules to delete all the emails automatically but the trolls are clever and setup new email accounts and find new ways to land in my inbox – sigh.
I just wanted to let you know that just because I'm on these threads, I'm not crazy and there are some nice people here that shouldn't be subjected this nonsense but here we are.
Best of luck,
" |= |= @–Analytics-Automation-.= . Solved=C2=AE
On August 3, 2023 at 8:09 AM PDT wrote:
OMG! PLEASE remove me from this distribution list! =
Get Outlook for iOS


Sent: Thursday, August 3, 2023 7:57:58 AM

Cc: – –

= We took skyla to see that movie. Hard to watch but important to help keep her safe.=
On Thu, Aug 3, 2023 at 7:29 AM wrote:
in my story series, they go after traffickers
On Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 07:23:58 AM PDT, wrote:
Too bad they didn't arrest pedo joe.
With the number 1 movie in the country (I heard) being The Sound of Freedom, people are finally realizing it's not fake. How long will it take for the broad public to realize the government is the main trafficking culprit?

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