Looks like they removed a lot more than that. Someone posted a whole



On 7/7/20 7:47 AM, wrote:

I thought this (see screenshot below) was funny.A0 The web search

excerpt for one of those passengers, Tom Pritzger, mentions that he

was on the Lolita Express, but when you click that link you see that

has been scrubbed from the article already.A0 Wikipedia admins doing

their best to cover for their bosses (not that Pritzger, specifically,

has anything to do with Wikipedia).

Monday, July 6, 2020 2:30 PM


This was hard to find:


Note all the Hollywood names, mostly Democrat

This might be worth listening to an mp3 version while doing other

things. Psychic Sloan's so mad about having to wear a mask in LA that

she tells even more about the Hollywood satanist/pedophiles


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