It all starts with Ctrl-V, followed by the number combinations shown on the screen that comes up. For example, the tilde is Ctrl-V 002, although it doesn't show up on my screen, but maybe it'll work on yours. The accent grave is 047, the accent acute is 041 if I'm reading their chart cor

One year has gone, since we've presented the Rolltop concept for the first time. Many thanks for all your emails and feedbacks! Now we are really going to bring this high innovative product on the marke and we are already working on it! Please visit our new page to get more inform

Q: I had some problems with this program. I fixed the POP and SMTP server designations, and it works now. However, I've lost my contacts – the folder is blank. The funny thing is, when I type some letters in the "to" box, names come up. Do you have any idea how I can restore my contact