I would hope our family members will realize they plan to recommend boosters forever. It's the most amazing business model.

How would you like to buy a Ford and you can't opt out. Can't choose to pass on the offer. You better get it. And then 6 months later have to buy another new Ford – no options to be done. You have to buy a new one every six month and if you don't you'll be labeled an anti-Forder, lose your ability to travel. Uber will not pick you up. Your employer will fire you if you don't buy a new Ford. All other car manufacturers will be banned and anti-science because it's proclaimed that only Ford is green enough for the global agenda and climate change strategy. You'll also be anti-climate change and may not be allowed to get food. You certainly won't be able to get social security if you don't get a Ford. Basically you're a non-person.=

I hope something will click for everyone. It's really no different than my absurd example. But how many will see it? I can't presume anyone will see the obvious anymore.

Sent: Saturday, October 2, 2021 7:40 PM

Will all of you who got the first and/or second vax continue with boosters forever?

Fauci Flip Flops Again, "Now Says 'Fully Vaccinated' Means 2 Shots Plus One Booster"

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